Dr. Josie Barnard SFHEA is the author of many academic and practice-research chapters and articles.
Double blind peer reviewed articles and chapters such as ‘Tweets as microfiction’ (2016) and ‘Twitter and Creative Writing: generating an “authentic” online self’ (2019) drill down into specific skills that are needed for and can be developed by using social media, while ‘Live and public: one practitioner’s experience and assessment of Twitter as a tool for archiving creative process’ (2015) considers how practitioners can experiment with social media. ‘Testing Possibilities: on negotiating writing practices in a “postdigital” age (tools and methods)’ (2017) considers how to develop creative flexibility by drawing on prior practitioner experience (ie, by remediating creative practice).
The wide range of creative practice books that Josie has contributed to include Gavin Turk’s This is Not a Book About Gavin Turk (2014), for which Josie wrote about ‘Signatures’. Articles for Slightly Foxed magazine such as ‘Southern Comfort’ (2008) and ‘Transports of Delight’ (2007) consider how William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying and The Sound and the Fury enchant, and interrogate the joys of second hand bookshops. As well as a response to Giorgio de Chirico’s painting, ‘Melanconia’ for FIVE magazine (2004) and numerous articles for the Fourth Estate The Reader’s Companion to the Twentieth Century Novel and The Reader’s Companion to Twentieth Century Writers (1994), Josie has written chapters on a variety of topics for books published by Penguin, Dorling Kindersley and more.